تصنيف:لغات اخرى
To mature our knowledge
فبراير 17, 2019
To mature our knowledge does not mean to learn some concepts, to repeat the past stories or to understand some theories that change on the course of time. But it is...
We thank the Lord
فبراير 14, 2019
We thank the Lord because our Congregation: the Daughters of Mary Immaculate, has printed 4 educational-pastoral calendars: for the Catechism Students of the middle...
Divine Mercy Daily Daily Reflections from The Diary of St. Faustina … 2
فبراير 11, 2019
True Greatness Meditation: In the evening, I just about got into bed, and I fell asleep immediately. Though I fell asleep quickly, I was awakened even more quickly. A...
Divine Mercy Daily Daily Reflections from The Diary of st. Faustina – 1
فبراير 09, 2019
Preparation for Communion :Meditation During Holy Mass, I saw the Infant Jesus in the chalice, and He said to me. I am dwelling in your heart as you see Me...
Our congratulations … for our dear sisters
فبراير 03, 2019
Our congratulations and our sincere wishes for our dear sisters who became Novices on February 2, 2019. We are happily united with them in our prayers. Ritual of...
Ai catechisti
ديسمبر 29, 2018
Dr. Sr. Hanan Eshoa O lavoratori nella vigna del Signore, mi piacerebbe unirmi a voi, spiritualmente e intellettualmente, per augurarvi un anno pieno di buone attività...
O Signore
ديسمبر 07, 2018
O Signore Quando ero bambina mi hai insegnato come vivere la vitaIn quel tempo vivevo in sicurezza e gioia Perché vivevo nell’ombra di un grande amoreNon avevo...