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Our congratulations … for our dear sisters


Our congratulations and our sincere wishes for our dear sisters who became Novices on February 2, 2019. We are happily united with them in our prayers.

Ritual of Receiving the Habit

On Saturday, February 2, 2019, Day of Consecrated Life, the Chaldean Sisters joyfully celebrated the entrance of Novitiate for Monique Setto and Angila Kassab who took the names Sr. Mary Bernadette and Sr. Maria Immaculata, respectively.  The Holy Mass, where the sisters receive their habit and white veil, was celebrated at Mother of God Cathedral in Southfield, MI and presided by his Beatitude, Bishop Francis Kalabat, in the presence of, Mother Superior, Maryam Yelda, many clergy, religious and lay people. We pray that the Lord of the harvest will continue to send more vocations to live religious life, faithfully working in His beloved field.