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You shall love your neighbor as yourself (Lk 10,27)


Sr. Hanan Eshoa

God’s commandment “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Lk 10,27) leads us to actively promote life by developing attitudes of service. In this way we exercise responsibility towards the people entrusted to us, and show our gratitude to God through facts.
God the Father has entrusted the life of each man to his other brother according to the law of solidarity of giving, of receiving, of the gift of oneself and of the acceptance of the other. In Jesus Christ, he showed at what height and depth solidarity is lived by giving one’s life for us. The gift of the Holy Spirit who is the architect of communion in love creates a new fraternity and solidarity among people. It gives believers the strength and arouses the responsibility to live the gift of self and the acceptance of others in solidarity. Therefore the commandment “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” implies first of all the imperative to respect, love and promote the life of each person as a brother, according to the example of our Lord Jesus Christ. “He gave his life for us, therefore we too must give our life for our brother” (1 Jn 3:16). It is therefore a service of love and gratuitousness.
This love involves the dimensions of proclamation and service to charity, which arise from the awareness of being “the people of God”. Evangelization is nothing other than the proclamation and witness with life, the love of God for each person. This path is more effective for communicating the Gospel of solidarity and its renewing power to the person.
The witness of charity causes solidarity to be aroused in people’s hearts. In fact, there is no true evangelization that does not pass through this witness of charity by demonstrating an ability to be a neighbor of the other as a brother. However, the solidarity of the Word but also through the Eucharist, in breaking the bread and discovering the aroused by this witness cannot take place without prayer, without a faith nourished by the source of true love, which forgets itself to seek the good of the other. .
In the light of faith, a new model of unity of the human race is envisaged, which is solidarity. In this perspective of solidarity, the believer reflects to the world the prophetic sign of that gratuitous love of God and of his infinite mercy.