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Divine Mercy Daily Daily Reflections from The Diary of st. Faustina … 3


Spiritual Mercy


I understand Your words, Lord, and the magnitude of the mercy that ought to shine in my soul. Jesus: I know, My daughter, that you understand it and that you do everything within your power. But write this for the many souls who are often worried because they do not have the material means with which to carry out an act of mercy. Yet spiritual mercy, which requires neither permissions nor storehouses, is much more meritorious and is within the grasp of every soul. If a soul does not exercise mercy somehow or other, it will not obtain My mercy on the day of judgment … Diary, 1317

My Prayer Response

My Jesus, thank You for teaching us through St. Faustina about “spiritual mercies” when we do not have material goods to give. We can always encourage others by our word, by our prayer, and by our kindness — and especially by sacrifice lovingly accomplished, which You, Jesus, called exercising mercy in spirit … Diary, 1316